Monday, November 10, 2014

Motivational Monday Pick-Me-Up's

I LOVE MONDAYS. There. I said it.

But I know that not everyone is the same way. And even if you are, sometimes, Mondays can be pretty rough to get through after a super fun or super relaxing weekend.

Over the weekend, I attended the Platinum Edge conference in Dallas, TX. There were a ton of great speakers, and I came away with so many good notes. As I was going through my notes last night, I realized that I couldn't just keep this stuff to myself. Because of that, I've come up with my TOP FIVE favorite motivational quotes from this weekend to kickstart your week and make sure that this Monday is a good one!

1. JEALOUSLY IS A POISON THAT WILL ROB YOU OF YOUR DESTINY. You are enough. Stop looking at the girl or guy next to you and comparing yourself or your life to theirs. When you focus on how enough you are and all the blessing already in your life, everything will fall into place.

2. TODAY, YOU MUST DO THINGS OUTSIDE OF YOUR COMFORT ZONE, BECAUSE YOU HAVE A GREAT PURPOSE. If you don't step out of your comfort zone, you are robbing yourself and those around you would may benefit of the purpose that God has given you. Being shy is a quality trait that doesn't benefit you or anyone else at all, so get out there!

3. THE MILES YOU HAVE ALREADY RUN ARE THE GREATEST PERSPECTIVE YOU CAN HAVE. Don't spend so much time trying to get out of a situation that you don't like that you miss the opportunity to grow. Reflect on all the things that you have been through, and use those things to make you stronger and to impact the rest of the world.

4. ROCK BOTTOM IS THE PERFECT PLACE TO REBUILD. Okay, so things really just aren't working out for you. You feel like there is no way that it can get worse. Great! Now it's time to focus on all the ways that it can get better, and take the steps to rebuild.

5. TRYING TO FIT IN WILL DESTROY YOU. BEING YOURSELF WILL SET YOU AND OTHERS FREE. Don't try to be everyone else, because that is super boring! You have a unique set of qualities to give to the world, and the world needs them! Being yourself will show others that their talents and traits are special too, and before you know it, the whole world will stop the comparison game!

Now, go conquer that Monday! If you want to see things like this EVERY monday, comment below and let me know, so I can make sure that I post them!

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